

Vitamin B5 is essential for fundamental cellular processes.


Now you’re interested in reports that vitamins make your plants stronger, more productive and bigger-yielding.

To find out exactly how vitamins help your plants grow and produce better, scientists test identical clones side by side in identical systems. The clones are fed the same diet, except that half of the clones receive a vitamin that the other clones do not receive.

Both sets of clones are closely monitored during growth and after harvest. Scientists take plant tissue samples to measure plant nutrient absorption, and overall plant health.

Total yield size, quality and essential oil content are also measured. Using statistical analysis and other criteria, scientists determine if the vitamin had any effects, and if so, what those effects are.

Please focus on the test results closely, because you’ll discover how B vitamins make your plants stronger, safer and more productive…

How B Vitamins Improve Your Plants
and Your Yield

Fortunately our scientists have repeatedly run hydroponics tests, and their findings demonstrate many B vitamin benefits for your plants, including:

Folic Acid breaks down easily in plants especially under intense lighting, so it’s a good idea to supplemental feed Folic Acid to your plants. Tests show that Folic upgrades the weight and quality of your harvest.

Vitamin B5 is essential for fundamental cellular processes.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) helps your plants use and create carbohydrates so your plants have enough energy to build strong vegetative growth and essential oils. It also facilitates your plants’ use of phosphate, which is an essential nutrient that fuels flower growth. B1 activates Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR), which is the same benefit that happens in humans when a vaccination produces a pre-emptively increased immune response to future infections. What’s more, B1 assists in root development so your plants intake more nutrients faster, and are more resistant to shock, transplanting, cloning.

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B-52 – 250ML, B-52 – 1L, B-52 – 4L


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